Jena Nelson (2020 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year and former candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction) on social media:
"This week, the former Speaker McCall wrote an op-ed about how conservative policies are working in Oklahoma. I have been all around this state and have seen how people are hurting. As a member of the middle class, I am tired of being gaslit in my state."
We agree Jena.
Fmr. Speaker McCall's op-ed ignores the reality middle and working class Oklahomans actually live in and facts tells a different story. Let’s set the record straight on education, healthcare, and our economy.
While McCall celebrated teacher raises, the GOP education bill left support staff at the nation's lowest pay and still gave money to wealthy districts paying above minimum salaries. Despite raises, ~14% of teacher still quit last year and emergency certifications reached new highs.
McCall highlighted $300M for mental health funding, but Oklahoma ranks 47th in quality adult mental health care. The GOP response to mental health falls incredibly short because access remains the biggest barrier and temporary relief from ARPA funds can't replace sustained investment.
McCall claims Oklahoma has had economic success, but the median household income lags far behind the national average. Tax cuts may attract businesses, but they disproportionately benefit the wealthy, leaving low and middle-class families struggling with other rising costs.
McCall wants to celebrate GOP dominance and savings but what good is any of it if some Oklahomans are left to suffer? One in five Oklahoma kids live in poverty, our schools are hemorrhaging teachers, and our health outcomes are among nation's worst. Why are Republicans saving instead of acting?
Oklahomans clearly deserve better, and our newly elected Oklahoma House and Senate lawmakers have until December 6 to request the drafting of bills for the first session of the legislature. Share your policy wishes with Oklahoma's Democratic legislators and let's make the GOP go on record.